Full £20 Includes Hit The Bar! (HTB!) and Ticket Deposit Scheme (TDS)
Student £10 Includes HTB! and TDS
Associate Membership £5 Includes use of all the Branch's benefits via the Full member to whom they are associated.
Family Free Includes all club functions but not TDS or HTB!
Junior (under 18) £3 Includes Junior Blues Communications and TDS but not HTB!
Membership costs are half price to new members.
Full details of membership costs are available if you hit the button below.
Branch committee meetings are held online on every 1st Thursday of the month. Branch meetings, open to all members are normally held on the 3rd Thursday of the month but can vary depending upon the type of event. Generally, they are held at the Civil Service Club in Great Scotland Yard, London, SW1A 2HJ. See the map below. Alternative venues will, once again, depend
upon the type of event and will be notified well in advance.
The AGM is occasionally held at an iconic venue such as the Tower of London or Wembley.
The Committee comprises 10 branch officers. These are the people that do most of the organisation, administration and information provision for members.
Minutes of committee meetings are available here:
Committee members are listed below:

Dave Brown
Ken Hullock
Andrew Dobinson
Andy Hall
Paul Irving
Peter Smithson
John Bowman
Terry McCarthy
Kris Foster
Administration Officer
Information Officer
Social Secretary
Membership Secretary
Hit the Bar Editor
Matchday Organiser
SW Regional Organiser