The Branch organises special events from time to time. These range from meetings with representatives from the club, including the manager, as well as celebrations with special guests such as for the branch's 40th anniversary.
During the pandemic restrictions, events moved online using Zoom. These included, for example, a book launch for Jon Colman with former players talking about their goals and an event based on the Academy with coaches as well as former players. The intention is to continue with occasional online events going forward.
Simmo Q+A at Bristol — BOOK YOUR SPOT!
Friday, 23rd February 2024, at 7.00pm, Clayton Hotel, 35-37 Broad St., BRISTOL, BS1 2EQ
Email chairman@cusclb.com if you would like to attend.
Feel free to include any questions that you would like asked.
Following the success of our standing room only Q&A in London in Feb 2023, the London Branch are taking the show down the M4 to Bristol.
The event takes place on the Friday evening prior to the Bristol Rovers match.
Paul will kick off at 7:30 prompt at the Clayton Hotel, 35-37 Broad St, Bristol BS1 2EQ, a new hotel in the old city. Please arrive early and enjoy a drink before Paul joins us.
This is a great chance for United fans in the south west to meet fellow fans as well as to talk direct to Paul Simpson. We’ll also be welcoming all supporters coming to the game.

Online Q & A with chief exec Nigel Clibbens
Oct 19th 2023, at 7.00pm on Zoom
Email chairman@cusclb.com with your name and postcode to receive your joining instructions for the event.
Feel free to include any questions that you would like asked.
This is your opportunity to ask questions of the man who knows what's going on at Brunton Park such as the takeover, transfer deals, etc.
Q & A with manager Paul Simpson
Feb 10th 2023, from 6.30pm (starts 7.30 pm) at the
Coach House, Oxendon St., SW1Y 4EE
Meet Carlisle manager Paul Simpson who will answer questions about his career, football generally and all things Carlisle United . Email Social Secretary Paul Irving for details and to book.